When the Church comes together to celebrate the liturgy, there is a need for dedicated minister to take charge of certain responsibilities so that the priest celebrate can focus his attention on leading the assembly in prayer. These ministers are called servers and need to know the layout and elements of the worship space, the vessels, the vestments, how to prepare the things for liturgy, and the order of service to assist with the ebb and flow of liturgical prayer. A server will be taught how to prepare vessels, how to move, how to carry things, how to be a model of liturgical participation, and how to keep stillness and silence.
Criteria: You must have made your first Holy Communion and attend the mandatory training offered by the Co-chairperson. This ministry is offered to both boys and girls and those students that attend Epiphany School or Epiphany School of Religion. Training is available before embarking on this ministry and open to men, women and our youth.